Science and Nature with Kids

Science and Nature with Kids
A lengthening list of scientific studies indicate that time spent outdoors engaged with the natural world is great for kids. It produces significant improvements in learning ability, creativity, and mental, psychological and emotional wellbeing.

Children who are engaged in learning about science and nature are also learning strategies for active exploration and investigation, thinking, questioning and problem solving. When children learn more about nature, they're also learning to care for the well-being of others and the environment.

You can encourage your kids to discover nature by making the outdoors accessible and engaging them with open ended questions such as “What do you think might happen?” or “What do you see happening?”. Support children by encouraging them to come up with their own explanations.

A nature based treasure hunt is a fun way to collect different objects to bring home for your science table. Kids find using a magnifying glass fascinating so get one out for an in depth examination!

Science is a part of all our day to day activities so encourage kids to play with water and ice, experiment with mixing baking soda and vinegar, or even take apart old equipment to see how things work.

Nature and science are the perfect tools to get children to experience not just the wider world, but themselves. They'll be smarter, better able to get along with others, healthier and happier!

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