
Child Details


Have you created an enquiry account on our website before, or have another child at the centre?
Please enter your email address and we will load your previous details.


Parent(s) / Guardian(s)

Add Parents / Guardians

Emergency contact(s)

Add emergency contact(s) other than Parent/Guardian - must be able to pickup your child.
Emergency Contacts

Additional contact(s)

Do you have any additional people that can pickup your child? If so, please enter them here and press Next when you are done.
Contact Details

Pickups prohibited by

Important - are there people who specifically cannot pickup your child? If so, please enter their details here.
Contacts who can not pickup your child
Please note: A copy of any court document/custody order and details of any custodial arrangements will be required to keep on file for staff to sight.


Child's Doctor
A category (i) medicine is a non-prescription preparation (such as arnica cream, antiseptic liquid, insect bite treatment) that is not ingested, used for the 'first aid' treatment of minor injuries and provided by the service and kept in the first aid cabinet.
If you approve category (i) medicines to be used on your child, please supply the names of the specific category (i) medicines that can be used, provided by service. Leave this section blank if you do not approve.
To be filled in if your child requires medication as part of an individual health plan, for example for an on-going condition such as asthma or eczema etc. and is for the use of that child only.
For each medicine, please state the name of the medicines, the dose and when medicine needs to be taken (state time or specific symptoms).


Please indicate below whether you give permission for your child to:
Group Stories
Work Contact


Child has to be enrolled for a minimum of 2 days.
Please choose the dates and days below. Note the service may require you to enrol a certain number of days.


This enrolment agreement is inclusive/exclusive of school term breaks.
If your service is open on Statutory Holidays, parents need to confirm enrolment for each individual statutory holiday.
30090 Eastern Bays Homebased Childcare is open on the following public holidays if they fall on a weekday. Please tick the days you wish your child to be specifically enrolled for:

Enrolment Uploads

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