Blog: March 2016

  • The Benefits of Playdough
    Playdough is an amazing toy. There are multiple benefits in playing with playdough and children love it. It's a great exploration tool and fun for children of all ages. Playdough is easy to make at home and you can customise it with different colours and fragrances. Add herbs such as rosemary or mint, some scented flowers like lavender, or an essence or juice from lemons or pineapple. Get your child to choose their favourite colour and fragrance. As you make the playdough together, you can help
    Posted: 5/3/2016
  • Installing Healthy Eating Habits in Kids
    We are not born knowing what to eat. Healthy eating is something we all have to learn as children - like how to love brussels sprout - or not. It's true that once kids get their first taste of crunchy, sweet or salty foods, it's hard to get them unhooked. Even if your kid is used to eating junk food, there are small changes you can make to promote healthy eating habits. It's all about setting up precedents and the right expectations. Try these healthy eating tips. Limit the number of treats that
    Posted: 5/3/2016

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